Hubzilla Documentation: Members


    Text Decoration

    BBcode syntaxRendered text
    [font=courier]some text[/font] some text
    [quote=Author]Author? Me? No, no, no...[/quote]Author wrote:
    Author? Me? No, no, no...
    [size=small]small text[/size]
    [size=xx-large]xx-large text[/size]
    [size=20]20px exactly[/size]
    Size options include: xx-small, small, medium, large, xx-large
    small text
    xx-large text
    20px exactly
    Add a horizontal bar [hr] Like this Add a horizontal bar

    Like this
    This is [center]centered[/center] text This is


    Code blocks

    Code can be rendered generically in a block or inline format (depending on if there are new line characters in the text), or you can specify a supported language for enhanced syntax highlighting. Syntax highlighting requires a suitable rendering plugin such as hilite. Supported languages with the hilite plugin include php, css, mysql, sql, abap, diff, html, perl, ruby, vbscript, avrc, dtd, java, xml, cpp, python, javascript, js, json, sh .

    If a rendering plugin is not installed or an unsupported language is specified, the output for syntax highlighted code blocks is the same as the block format code tag.

    BBcode syntaxOutput
    [code]function bbcode() { }[/code]function bbcode() { }
    [code=php]function bbcode() {
    $variable = true;
    if( $variable ) {
    echo "true";
    1.  function bbcode() {
    2.    $variable = true;
    3.    if( $variable ) {
    4.      echo "true";
    5.    }
    6.  }
    [nobb]This is how [i]you[/i] can [u]show[/u] how to use [hl]BBcode[/hl] syntax[/nobb]This is how [i]you[/i] can [u]show[/u] how to use [hl]BBcode[/hl] syntax


    BBcode syntaxRendered list
    [*] First list element
    [*] Second list element
    • First list element
    • Second list element
    [*] First list element
    [*] Second list element
    • First list element
    • Second list element
    [*] First list element
    [*] Second list element
    The list type options are 1, i, I, a, A.
    • First list element
    • Second list element
    [dl terms="b"]
    [*= First element term] First element description
    [*= Second element term] Second element description
    The terms style options can be any combination of:
    horizontal — like this defintion list
    First element term
    First element description
    Second element term
    Second element description


    BBcode syntaxRendered table
    [table border=0]
    [th]Header 1[/th][th]Header 2[/th]
    Header 1Header 2
    [table border=1]
    [th]Header 1[/th][th]Header 2[/th]
    Header 1Header 2
    [th]Header 1[/th][th]Header 2[/th]
    Header 1Header 2

    Links and Embedded Content

    BBcode syntaxOutput
    [video]video URL[/video]
    [audio]audio URL[/audio]
    An image [img][/img] in some text An image Image/photo in some text

    Hubzilla specific codes

    BBcode syntaxOutput
    Magic-auth version of [url] tag [zrl=]Identity-aware link[/zrl]
    Magic-auth version of [img] tag [zmg][/zmg] Image is only viewable by those authenticated and with permission.
    Observer-dependent output: [observer=1]Text to display if observer IS authenticated[/observer]
    [observer=0]Text to display if observer IS NOT authenticated[/observer]
    [observer.language=en]Text to display if observer language is English[/observer]
    [observer.language!=de]Text to display if observer language is not German[/observer]
    [observer.url] channel URL of observer
    [observer.baseurl] website of observer
    [] name of observer
    [observer.webname] short name in the url of the observer
    [observer.address] address (ZOT-id) of observer
    [] profile photo of observer
    What is a spoiler?
    [spoiler]Text you want to hide.[/spoiler]
    What is a spoiler?
    [toc data-toc='' data-toc-headings='h1,h2']
    Create a table of content in a webpage or wiki page. Please refer to the original jQuery toc to get more explanations.
    • Optional param: 'data-toc'. If omitted the default is 'body'
    • Optional param: 'data-toc-headings'. If omitted the default is 'h1,h2,h3'
    [rpost=title]Text to post[/rpost]
    The observer will be returned to their home hub to enter a post with the specified title and body. Both are optional
    This requires the qrator plugin.
    [qr]text to post[/qr]
    This requires a suitable map plugin such as openstreetmap. [map]Generate an inline map using the current browser coordinates of the poster, if browser location is enabled
    This requires a suitable map plugin such as openstreetmap. [map=latitude,longitude]Generate a map using global coordinates.
    This requires a suitable map plugin such as openstreetmap. [map]Place Name[/map] Generate a map for a given named location. The first matching location is returned. For instance "Sydney" will usually return Sydney, Australia and not Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada unless the more precise location is specified. It is highly recommended to use the post preview utility to ensure you have the correct location before submitting the post.
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